



2009年6月15日 グローバルグリーンズプレスリリース
 グローバル・グリーンズ調整委員会は、少なくとも50名の人々の死をもたらした、ペルー・アマゾン地域での警察活動に対する、中立な立場で行う調査を求めた。バグア・グランデ(Bagua Grande)の町の近くで発生した暴力事件の後、主に先住民族である更に数百名の人々が行方不明になっていて、警察が数百の遺体を隠していると言われている。先住民族は、自分たちの土地が石油及びガスの採掘のために開発可能になる、新しい法律に反対して抗議運動を行っていた。

 私たちはアラン・ガルシア大統領(Alan Garcia)政府に、先住民族による抗議行動に対する全警察活動を直ちに止めるよう求め、また、南米諸国連合(UNASUR)に、今年初めボリビアで同様の事件が起きた後に行ったような、暴力事件に対する中立的立場での調査に着手するよう強く求めた。ボリビアの場合、極めて緊迫した一触即発の状況を沈静化するにあたって、南米諸国連合が非常に重要な役割を果たした。また、極めて重要なのはペルー当局が人権保護団体に、衝突が起きた地域へ自由な立ち入りを認めることである。そうすれば何が起きたかの徹底究明ができる。




The Global Green Coordination has called for an independent investigation into the actions of police in the Amazonian region of Peru which resulted in at least 50 deaths. After the violence near the town of Bagua Grande, hundreds more people, mainly Indigenous people, are missing and it is alleged that police have hidden hundreds of bodies. Indigenous people were protesting against new legislation which will mean their land can be exploited for oil and gas drilling.

We call on the government of President Alan Garcia to immediately stop all police actions against demonstrations by indigenous people. We also urge the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) to launch an independent investigation into the violence, just as it did after similar violence in Bolivia earlier this year. In that instance, UNASUR played a very important role in calming an extremely volatile situation and they could do so again in this case. It is also vital that the Peruvian authorities allow human rights organisations free access to the area where the clashes took place, so that a thorough assessment of what happened can be made.

The Global Greens also call on the international community to put all the pressure it can on the Peruvian Government so that it stops police violence against Indigenous protesters and launches a thorough and independent investigation into the causes of the violence.

An important element of the pressure which could be brought to bear on Peru is related to trade agreements: the change in legislation the Indigenous people protested against is necessary following the stipulations in the recent Free Trade Agreement between Peru and the USA.

The Commercial Agreement the EU (European Union ) is currently negotiating with with Peru, Colombia and Ecuador contains very similar provisions, and partly goes beyond US demands. Therefore, a radical change in the EU negotiations is necessary.

As a first step we call on the European Commission and Council to suspend negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement with Peru (as well as Ecuador and Colombia) until an independent investigation has reached its conclusions and the people responsible for the violence have been tried and, if found guilty, been sentenced to punishment.

The suspension should provide the time necessary to reorientate the contents of the negotiations, so that a future agreement protects rather than exploits people and environment.
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